A flexible mortgage is a concept which made its way to the mortgage sector in 1995. Prior to that, the concept was quite popular in Australian mortgage market and is also referred to as the Australian Mortgage. Since the induction, a flexible mortgage as a notion has received a probing reaction, with no definite patronage. But despite this, the schema didn't fade; rather it prevailed and established its roots deep into the mortgage market. This mortgage performance can be better understood, in consonance with the montreal mortgage terms.

Flexible mortgages Montreal refer to mortgage deals wherein, the homebuyer has considerable advanced flexibility to repay. In this package, there are no fixed interest charges and also there is the added advantage to underpay, overpay or enjoy longish payment breaks. These leisurely features, when compared with the fixed mortgage plan, may seem like the ideal mortgage account, but a cautious approach is needed because of two key negative aspects. The first negative aspect is that the flexibility comes with a high fee schedule, especially with the case of regular underpayments and payment breaks. The second negative aspect is the definite requirement of excellent financial control for this mortgage account to efficiently work.

Therefore, if you are trying to compare flexible mortgages montreal, first be clearly aware of the above mentioned clauses. In case there are any doubts on either of the two, it is suggested that the comparison be broadened to include all fixed mortgage offers, because the latter would offer stability in an easy to follow pattern.

The Requirement Set

If you are definitely clear about the suitability of a flexible mortgage with reference to your personal circumstances, then the compare flexible mortgages exercise should begin with the creation of an input catalogue, listing such items as the loan to value figure.

The task commences with evaluation of the property. The calculated property value will help derive the loan to value figure, without which the comparison is not possible. As evident the ratio also requires another figure i.e. the loan, which corresponds to the second item in the list. After these two values, the next calculation should be with respect to earnings and conception of a personal circumstantial chart. This chart should clarify the best possible definition of your perceived requirements during the mortgage period, thus helping you work out the final mortgage cost, taking into account needed underpayments, overpayments or payment holidays. Another important entry to the list, while you compare flexible mortgages, relates to the applicable interest type. The interest rate could be flexible, fixed, capped, varied or Bank of Canada rate based. And then there are specific deal terms, for instance a few mortgages could allow cash back and more.

With this list ready you could either feed the data into an online calculator /comparison chart, or refer to a professional broker. The latter is advised, as a mortgage is a very important concept, with serious bearing on the overall lifestyle, thus demanding thorough scrutiny. Moreover, the professional broker would take into account all relevant personal factors before they would compare flexible montreal mortgages with you.


  1. Unknown on May 28, 2008 at 2:29 AM

    Hi Alex,

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