In concept, getting a mortgage quote from 4 or 5 different mortgage companies is a wise decision to finding the lowest mortgage rate you qualify for. Mortgage companies and brokers alike can claim that they have hundreds of lenders and thousands of programs, and I am sure they do, but I have yet to see the one mortgage broker who has that magical lender that can get you a better mortgage then every other mortgage broker out there. The bottom line is, they all have access to the same lenders and same programs, it is just that some mortgage brokers know their programs better then others.

The problem today with submitting your information to an online mortgage lead company is that the demand for your information is at an all time high, and the supply is very low. In order for these companies to stay in business they need to be price competitive with other online mortgage lead companies. The way that they do this is by selling your information to numerous mortgage companies. Just recently I spoke to an individual who received over 40 phone calls from the one application he filled out online.

Sometimes it is not the online mortgage lead companies fault that your information gets oversold. There are other online mortgage lead companies that buy your information from the original lead company where you filled out the application and then they turn around and sell them to their client's base. After all, your information is not cheap and some mortgage companies will pay in excess of $35 for it.

The good news is, you can avoid these headaches by doing some research on your end. Over the years mortgage brokers have realized that the internet is a powerful tool that can generate mortgage applications. It is now easier to locate your local mortgage companies and fill out an application directly with them. It is very unlikely that your local mortgage company is going to sell your information to their competitors, as they are in the business of closing loans.

This is where the research on your end comes in. Using your favorite search engine, type in your city, state or even zip code followed by the word mortgage. This will generate a number of pages full of local mortgage companies that would be more then happy to compete for your business. When visiting these websites, look for quality content and educational information.
There are plenty of dull sites out there that only talk about themselves and the hundreds of lenders and thousand of loan programs with the lowest mortgage rates anywhere in the galaxy.


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